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HDD / Trenchless Technologies

We offer an HDD service that is unparalleled. Our highly skilled representatives’ attention to detail allows for the most successful utility installation on the market.

Ground Penetrating Radar

Sure Shot Drilling GPR capabilities are offered in conjunction with their HDD/Trenchless services or can be utilized as a separate service for your company’s specific needs.

Pipe Fusion

Pipe fusing is a method of seamlessly joining together two high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipes that are commonly used as the conduit in HDD. The HDPE pipe is heated and the molecules are transformed into a crystalline state enabling a seamless fuse. The end result is a joint that is as strong, or stronger, than the pipe itself.

Potholing / Vacuum Excavation

Vacuum excavation and potholing are integral components of HDD. It facilities preparing the job site in advance of the HDD crew by verify and locating existing utilities and other obstacles prior to the start of the HDD project.

About Sure Shot Drilling

Sure Shot Drilling (SSD) believes that safety is the right of each and every person they come in contact with – clients, employees, and the general public. We instill the concept in our employees that accident prevention takes precedence over expedience.


A Subsidiary Company of Crestone Services Group

Address 5355 Dahlia St., Commerce City, CO 80022